Be part of our Global Network community.
Social Value International’s Global Network, consisting of 26 national and regional networks, is made up of independent and locally led organisations working at the forefront of social value and impact management.
Social Value International works in partnership with these local networks to promote The Principles of Social Value, refine and share practice, and to build a powerful movement for change.
We work together to build a movement locally and globally, where organisations and individuals have the skills and ability to account for a broader definition of value and protect people and the planet.
We work towards a world built on shared values, where social value is at the heart of decision making.
Global Networks
We know the strength that comes from being part of an international movement for change, and how important global consensus on accounting for value is. We see the value and knowledge that comes from collaborating across boarders and ensure our Global Network community is strongly connected.
But we also know that strength comes from diversity, which is why each of the networks play a critical role in advancing the adoption and implementation of The Principles of Social Value by tailoring the social value conversation to local contexts, and ensuring that local stakeholders play a central and participatory role in shaping the movement and our standards.
The Global Network is made up of two types of network - Associate Network and Joint Member Network. To find out more about the key role the Global Network plays, who the networks are, or how to get involved, follow the links below:
Associate Networks
Associate Networks are networks or groups of members that are building a community of practice within a country or region. These networks do not generally operate as a membership body but instead support their community through regular engagement such as events and discussions.
Joint Member Networks
Joint Member Networks are the more structured of our two types of Networks.
They are membership bodies that operate in a specific country, region or territory that accept members and provide services to support their needs.
Launch a Network:
Are you interested in developing a network in your country or region?
Get in touch with our Networks team who will be able to provide you with an overview of the Social Value International Global Network offer, including how being part of the Global Network can:
Enable you to be at the forefront of an international movement for change.
Ensure you gain a competitive advantage and sustainable income for your organisation and make a social impact.
You'll be supported to reach long-term sustainability through various SVI income-generating models.
Start and grow today with the help and services of our dedicated team.