Product Accreditation
Product Accreditation assesses whether a product (for example a training course, Social Value Framework, or document) is in alignment with The Principles of Social Value, and existing Standards & Guidance.
For the full criteria, download the Product Accreditation Standard.
What Is The Process For Reviewing And Accrediting Products?
As each product is different, we invite applicants to complete the Expression of Interest form at the bottom of this page and have a discussion with our Assurance Team. We have accredited a range of products, including Social Value Frameworks, established training courses, as well as coures that are in the development stage. In some cases, the criteria within the Product Accreditation Standard have been adapted to reflect the nature of the product under assessment.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Product Accreditation cost?
The price of this service is variable based on the type of product and its scope. Please get in touch for more details.
How can I deliver accredited training?
To deliver the accredited training course to others you need to be an SVI Accredited Trainer. Then you need to deliver accredited training materials. You can develop these materials yourself or pay to use the materials developed by Social Value International.
How long does accreditation last?
Accredited status lasts for two years. You will then be required to renew the accreditation (at a discounted cost).