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Social Impact Measurement & Management.

Efiko are delivering the Social Impact Measurement & Management: Applying the Principles of Social Value. The mentor for this training will be Dr. Adm Richards.

479€ + 10% discount using the SVI discount code

Dates of Live Sessions

April 19 - Introductions
April 22 - Modules 1&2
April 27 - Module 3
May 4 - Module 4
May 18 - Module 5
May 25 - Module 6&7

Time of every Live Session

9:00am-10:30am BST

9:00-10:30 BST (London)
10:00-11:30 CEST (Brussels)
11:00-12:30 MSD (Moscow)
12:00-13:30 AZT (Baku)

Thanks to the SVI-Efiko partnership, you can use the discount code socialvaluefriend in the registration process to benefit from a 10% discount.

4 April

Social Value & SROI Training - Melbourne

20 April

Social Value and SROI Practitioner Training