Announcing Tasamy As Social Value Pioneers!

Social Value International are proud to announce that Tasamy have joined as Social Value Pioneers!

Tasamy is a non-profit organization that focuses mainly on supporting social entrepreneurship through four main pillars, accelerators and incubators, training and education, social innovation and impact investing.

Ahead of their joining, we spoke to them about their social value journey.

What made you interested in Social Value?

We have previously worked with Social Value and have been extremely impressed with the team’s level of knowledge and professionalism. We especially admired their dedication for developing individuals and organizations in the sector

We are now interested in developing our impact measurement expertise and given Social Value’s pioneering work in the sector, we have decided that it is important to strengthen our relationship with it.

How would you describe your organisations commitment to Social Value?

Impact measurement is one the main activities we are focusing on in our 2021 strategy, therefore we are highly committed to our partnership with Social Value and are looking forward to strengthening our existent relationship.
What membership benefits are you most excited about?

  1. Nominate named Individual Members (individual staff members who get access to the benefits of membership with Social Value International).

  2. Shape standards and guidance

  3. Co-design training and/or Services

  4. Become and Accredited Social Value Practitioner

  5. Develop a report, guidance document or linkages paper in collaboration with SVI.
    What will you bring to the network?

  6. Provide access to the Saudi and MENA region market

  7. Provide a different perspective on social work and social impact

For more information, please contact
Hafida AL-Azragi, Project officer at

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