Social Value Blog

Leveraging impact data for business growth
Data, a key tool in the world of finance, yet often ignored in the scene of social impact management. But how to manage without measuring? Experts Lina and Pieter explain their views and share their tips on leveraging impact data.

CEO Report – June 2021
I am delighted to confirm that after much discussion we have made the decision to introduce an eighth principle. The Principles of Social Value are the foundations of our work and so this decision was not taken lightly. I am grateful for the members who have proposed this significant development and grateful to you all for your feedback and comments on the forthcoming guidance and standard that will soon be out for consultation with our members.

Child Labour Is On The Rise: How Can SROI Help Us Measure Impact And Tackle Child Labour?
For the first time in two decades, the number of children being put to work has risen – to 160 million worldwide, representing an increase of 8.4 million over four years – while millions of other are at risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEO Report – May 2021
Perhaps the volume of zoom calls is making me dizzy but it feels like the world is spinning faster than ever before. I am fortunate to work as part of a thriving network, a community of incredible people passionate about changing the way the world accounts for value. The last month has been no exception and I’m delighted to share with you some exciting updates and observations.

CEO Report – March 2021
The first 2 and a half months of 2021 have been a whirlwind for the global community of Social Value International. Across the world, interest in social value and meaningful social impact measurement and management continues to increase, with more and more sectors, industries and individuals seeing the need to expand our global definition of value and protect people and the planet.
In this month’s report, I dive deeper into ESG – a concept we cannot move without hearing right now – as well as highlighting to you a couple of important global developments that highlight that ever so critical principle of materiality:

The Genesis Of Efiko.
Are you part of the growing group of people aiming to make organisations and the economy serve a greater purpose than wealth accumulation? Then much like us, you have probably wondered a thousand times what you could do better to make strides towards enabling that purpose. It is precisely with this mission in mind that Efiko Academy was born in September 2020.

Announcing Tasamy As Social Value Pioneers!
Social Value International are proud to announce that Tasamy have joined as Social Value Pioneers!
Tasamy is a non-profit organization that focuses mainly on supporting social entrepreneurship through four main pillars, accelerators and incubators, training and education, social innovation and impact investing.
Ahead of their joining, we spoke to them about their social value journey.

Rest Assured – A Testimonial From A Level 3 Advanced Practitioner
In this series of blogs, interviews and Q&As we are talking to and hearing from our members from across the globe about their experiences with the different services, why they go through them, what this brings to their practice, and what next.
Here we are delighted to hear from the experiences of one of our SVI Level 3 Advanced Practitioners, Sandra Velthuis, about her experiences with SVI Report Assurance over the last few years:

SVI Partners With Online Learning Platform Efiko To Expand Its Reach
Efiko Academy, the first online learning platform dedicated to impact skills and competencies, works together with SVI to provide the accredited Social Value & SROI Practitioner Training in a highly interactive and practical way. “A scalable online solution to expand SVI’s reach,” according to Ben Carpenter, SVI’s CEO.

Announcing The Launch Of Social Value Arabia (SVA)
Arising from the noticeable global and regional movement towards impact and social investments, and the increasing awareness of companies, investors and the local community in the importance of non-financial accounting and value measurement; Social Value Arabia (SVA) comes to provide appropriate guidance, tools and support for analysts and professionals involved in CSR, accounting, and managing social value across sectors in the Arab Region. It is the national network for social value analysis and the official representative for Social Value International (SVI) in the region.

Announcing Dr. Gonca Ongan As A Level 1 Associate Practitioner!
Social Value International are proud to announce that Dr Gonca Ongan of Koç University Social Impact Forum has achieved status as a Level 1 Associate Practitioner!

Community Media Trust Earn Report Assurance And Social Value Management Certificate!
Social Value International are proud to announce Community Media Trust have had a report assured and earned Level 1 of the Social Value Management Certificate!
Community Media Trust is a non-profit making media organization with a Vision of Well informed, Active & Involved Communities and a Mission to Educate, entertain and inspire communities using participatory media.