Social Value Blog

Help shape SVI’s response to the CDSB Consultation on Social Reporting
An open public consultation is underway on expanding the scope of the Climate Disclosure Standard Board Framework to include material social information, and as a member of Social Value International we would like you to help shape our response!

SVI Submits Response To IFRS Consultation
SVI has submitted a response to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation on targeted amendments to the IFRS Foundation Constitution to accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board to set IFRS Sustainability Standards.

Social Value Matters 2021: Leading Our Transition To A Sustainable World
Social Value Matters conferences, shaped and delivered by the global community of members and wider networks in which Social Value International are connected, provide a combination of world-class thought-leadership content and highly interactive workshops to create the standards and practice that can help to create a more sustainable, equitable and positive future.
Building on the success of conferences held in London, Milan, Istanbul, Taipei and Toronto (virtually in 2020), the SVM2021 conference will be held from Bangkok, Thailand on the 20th and 21st October 2021.

World Water Day 2021: Valuing Water
Water is the basis for all life, and without it, we cannot survive. It’s found everywhere on Earth, from the polar ice caps to steamy geysers. And wherever water flows on this planet, you can be sure to find life.
Yet despite the importance of water to sustain all living things, water is under extreme threat from a growing population, increasing demands of agriculture and industry, and the worsening impacts of climate change.

World Wildlife Day: Can Putting A Value On Nature That Goes Far Beyond Money Protect People And Planet?
The natural world around us underpins our economy, our society, our very existence. It provides us with the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, and forms the basis of goods and services we depend on for our health, happiness and wellbeing.
The world’s natural assets or ‘natural capital’ are also hugely important to the economy – if you add them all up, the total economic value of these benefits is phenomenal, at least US$125 trillion every year. Yet to truly understand the value of nature we need to look beyond the economic value, and consider the intrinsic value of nature under a broader definition of social and environmental value…