About the Social Value Case Studies for Change Series
Social Value International work with our members to embed core principles for social value measurement and analysis, to refine and share practice, and to build a powerful movement of like-minded people and organisations.
Across the world, our members are applying The Principles and helping to mainstream social value; using exciting methods to maximise the social value created for the benefit of people and the planet.
The sessions within this series are designed to enable members to share, and learn from, specific case studies of how the Principles of Social Value have been applied/embedded. Through sharing specific examples of how social value measurement and management has been applied, we hope that attendees will be able to apply these learnings to their own organisations and over time, this will lead to increased social value and IMM.
About the March session - Case Study: “Think Martu. Think differently. Act differently.”
For our very first session of the series on 14th March 2023, we have invited Simon Faivel (Director, Consulting) and Alison Kwok (Manager, Consulting) from Social Ventures Australia (SVA), who will share their learnings from a 10-year indigenous evaluation SVA conducted for Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ).
Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) is a Martu organisation – Martu are the traditional custodians of a vast area in the Western Desert of the Pilbara. In 2020, KJ engaged SVA to evaluate their impact on Martu communities between 2010 and 2020. The guiding philosophy underlying this evaluation was that it must be a Martu story by Martu, speaking both to Martu and to the Western world. The process was co-designed with Martu and involved Martu in the co-facilitation of consultation sessions.
Members of SVI and Joint Member Networks: Attendance is FREE. Please follow the link below to register.
Non-members: Tickets are just £10! Please follow the link below to purchase a ticket.
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