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Social Value International - Annual General Meeting

A guide to the Annual General Meeting

The SVI Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a formal meeting of SVI members which provides an opportunity to review the work of the organisation in the previous year, at which the organisation’s finances, current progress on the strategy and plans for the future are presented to members for discussion and examination.

It is also the occasion on which new board members are elected, and any other business relating to the organisation can be discussed.

The 2022 AGM is taking place at 10am GMT on Thursday 27th January, and will take place virtually.

Who can attend?

Anyone who is a member of Social Value International or a Joint Member Network can attend the AGM (there is no charge) but please note that only representatives of Joint Member Networks are able to vote in the AGM.

18 January

Making stakeholder engagement meaningful and practical.

31 January

Social Value Masterclass: Understand what changes